Peach Iced Tea
Brew the black tea
blend with 1 litre of water at 100°C and let it steep for 3 minutes.
Fill a large pitcher with ice cubes or crushed ice and pour in
the tea. Leave it to cool down completely. In the meantime, pit the peaches,
peel the skin off and cut them into slices. Put some of the peach
slices to the side to use for decoration later and boil the others with
the sugar and approximately 100 ml of water for 10 minutes until you have a
fruit puree. Press through a sieve. Put the peach puree and the
sliced limes into a glass and pour in the cold tea. Decorate with the remaining
peach slices and the mint. Add more crushed ice if
Extra Tip: VODKA
Our cocktail tip for every garden party:
Prepare the iced tea as described above and add 200 ml
- Ingredients:
- 4-5 tsp. black tea “English Breakfast Broken”, Item
No. 22497
- 5-6 tsp. sugar to your liking
- 4 ripe peache
- 1 organic lime
- 2 sprigs of fresh mint
- Crushed ice or ice cubes
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