Coffee Brazil “Carmo” bag of 250 g, whole bean

  • Rarity
  • 14082
  • VPE: 1 KT à 4 ST
  • :
  • : fine

    : medium

Origin and Plantation
This coffee comes from the mountainous region of Mantiqueira, located in the southern state of Minas in Brazil. Mantiqueira means “the region where the clouds are lying”. This location and the inherent climatic conditions are ideal for cultivating coffee. With an average temperature of 18 °C and an average annual rainfall of 1,850 mm per year this region is famous for its mineral springs. Right in the centre of this region the farm Santa Lucia can be found which produces highest quality coffees and was awarded with the national Cup of Excellence in 2009.

Character and Taste
An exceptional Brazilian coffee with an aromatic and delicate taste with slight hints of fruit acid and chocolate. Perfectly roasted - a true delight!

Brazil is, without doubt, the largest producer of Arabica coffees in the world and is also among the largest Robusta producers. Its coffees are often offered in blends or as cheap Arabica varieties. We, however, consider Brazil from another point of view. We present finest plantation coffees, which offer a large array of unique flavour characteristics thanks to their specific origins and differing production methods.

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