Our Topsellers in organic varities!

Following the spirit of sustainability, in recent years we have continuously expanded our organic range. We can already offer a wide range of classic orthodox teas in organic quality. Now we are taking one step further! Our top sellers among the refined tea varieties are now available additionally in an organic version!

For detailed price information please log in at the top right of the website or contact your sales team.

Thé noir

  • by nature

Mélange de thé noir et vert
The Emperor's 7 Treasures (Peach)
DE-ÖKO-003 VO834/2007 aromatisé

  • Biologique

Turmeric Gold (Curcuma/Cacao)

  • by nature

Thé vert Bio
Green Menthos (type Menthe)
DE-ÖKO-003 VO2018/848 aromatisé

  • Biologique

Tisane Bio
Varieté de Menthe
DE-ÖKO-003 sans arôme

  • Biologique

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