
Merci de noter que nous ne vendons qu'aux professionels et notre catalogue ne peut être envoyé qu'à ces derniers.

*Champs obligatoires *

Complaint / Grievance / Objections

Dethlefsen & Balk GmbH has a great interest in detecting and remedying legal violations within the company. Not only employees of a company, but also other persons who have a professional relationship with the company are often the first to become aware of possible violations. By providing information, they can help to ensure that these can be investigated and prevented. Whistleblowers therefore play an important role in the investigation and prevention of violations and in promoting legally compliant and ethical behavior at Dethlefsen & Balk GmbH.

In order to fulfill our legal obligations and to enable you to confidentially report possible violations of applicable law, we have set up an internal reporting office and entrusted the law firm Scheja & Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB with the operation of this reporting office. You can submit reports of violations via the reporting office, also completely anonymously. Your reports will be processed by selected lawyers while maintaining the confidentiality of your identity.

When you submit a report, you leave the Dethlefsen & Balk GmbH website and are forwarded to the reporting office, which is operated outside the company infrastructure.

Further information on the internal reporting office and the processing of your personal data can be found on the website of the reporting channel.

internal reporting channel D&B