Teaeve® Tisanière "Mandala" Porcelaine, 3 pièces, 2 assortiments à double paroi, avec filtre en acier inoxydable, 0,35 l

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  • Numero de l'article 31033
  • Unité d'emballage (Conditionnement): 1 carton à 6 pce.

In Hinduism and Buddhism, the mandala is a geometric drawing attributed to a magical or religious meaning. Since a few years mandalas have also become a cult in Western culture as colouring pictures for meditation. This beautiful Teaeve® design picks up on this trend and enchants with a detailed and filigree mandala decor. A 3D optic of the design is created by the raised effect surface finish. This gives the motif depth and creates a pleasant haptic. Beauty for the eyes and great tea enjoyment in one cup. The connection of user-friendliness and design makes the Teaeve® something special. The fine stainless steel strainer ensures that the tea aroma unfolds freely.

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