
Red Honey Geisha Coffee

The coffee variety reached Costa Rica in the 1940s and was cultivated for research purposes. This strain was said to be particularly resistant against the fungus coffee rust. Coffee farmers were disappointed by the slow growth and low yield of this strain compared to other strains, and paid the trees little attention. This coffee variety had its comeback as the growers discovered that the slow ripening process confers an incredibly complex aroma to the beans.

The costly cultivation of Geisha coffee requires nutrient-rich soil, a lot of shade and almost twice as much space as traditional strains require. The coffee beans develop their full potential only above a certain cultivation height. Our Volcan Azul Geisha coffee grows at altitudes over 1500 m in perfect climatic conditions. Year after year, a lot of care and patience go into the cultivation of this outstanding coffee. The full-bodied flavour of Geisha coffee is hard to describe. It is as if you were drinking several different coffees at the same time. Our Geisha coffee has a surprisingly fruity note and a lemony tartness.

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