Take a journey through the world of coffee - Gift box with 5 bags of roasted premium coffee beans
Take a journey through the best coffee cultivation areas of the world and enjoy the finest specialities of these countries. You will receive an information card in the same design as the coffee bag for each cultivation area with detailed information on the origin and plantation of the coffee as well as on its character and taste. The coffees are packed in flavour-protective bags with 70 g of beans each. A beautiful way for coffee lovers to set out and explore this varied world.
Gift box with 5 bags of 70 g roasted coffee beans of the below listed varieties, 5 attractive cards with explanations for each coffee variety included
Varieties with 70 g each of:
– Best of Brazil "Fazenda Lagoa"
– Costa Rica Volcán Azul – Red Honey Process
– Kenya Kiundi
– India Monsooned "Malabar"
– Papua New Guinea Sigri Estate PB